Then, in May, I received an email that my favorite Tri was cancelled, due to extensive road work scheduled to be done on the bike course. That sort of took the wind out of my sails, so to speak. But, I pulled myself together and started focusing on the DACC in August. At the same time, I increased my running volume with an eye on completed a half marathon in September.
In late June, I was up to 6.5 miles for my long run! That's a huge deal for me. I have never trained consistently above 4.5 without an injury. So, you guessed it! I got injured. Plantar Fascitis in my left foot. It sidelined me for quite a while, and made me miserable. I fell into old habits and didn't communicate that I was in pain, to my family, so they all just thought I was being a jerk....sorry family.
There we were, in June, training on the back burner due to injury, (and here the story takes a side trip) and I had a night of intense dreams. In at least 6 dreams, I saw the same puppy. I don't remember anything about the dreams, except that the same black puppy, with white on his chest, and wavy fur on his ears was there.I told Kevin that when I meet this puppy, he will be part of our family. He didn't really believe me, so he patronized me and said, ok. Whatever.
Well, in July I met that Puppy! His name is Bentley. and I knew immediately that he is the puppy who was in my dreams. Here he is, on the day we met:

And, here in one of my favorite pictures of him.
Relevance? Well having a puppy is sort of like having a baby. All my personal goals went out the window, to take care of him. He came to us in mid July, when he was 6 weeks old. From that day on, training became almost non-existant.
Between the PF and the new puppy, I ultimately had to decide that Tri training would have to take a back burner this year. But, things are settling down now, and I'm hoping to get back into a training groove. Winter training is a little more forgiving of missed days, and hopefully I'll be ready to go for 2012!
In the meantime, I'll enjoy Bentley and my kids, and focus on being healthy.
what a cute dog!
I read this awhile ago and didn't comment on it because I was on Paul's computer and I didn't want to comment under his name.
I'm sorry you aren't in a Tri but I am glad that you have Bentley.
I sure am looking foward to a blog about Jack and Mack's school year thus far.
He's so cute!!!
my name is wainel i live in Canada when my boyfriend let me because of a little girl that work with him in the same office i never knew that the girl was dating my man till i meet than in a hotel center i try to as my man what is going on he told me that is over between us i though it was a joke till my man drove me away from the house i cried and cried but nobody to help me out i went and stay with my friend that introduce me and said i should contact Dr odudu that is a great man that he can help me out when i contacted him on he said all my problems is over that he will cast a spell on me so that my man can come back to me in just 48hours, it was like joke in my eyes to cute the story short after the casting of the spell my man came to my house and kneedown and start begging that he dose not know what came over him that he need me back to his life, that is when i knew that Dr odudu is a real spell caster without any side effect am happily married to my man with two kids,if you are having any problem present it to Dr odudu to help you out with it.via or call +2348051913076
wanel from canada
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