So, here we go.
It started with an amazing run on the treadmill. Now, I know that running on the mill is much easier than running outside, but seriously, this is a fast time for me!

That breaks down to a 9:08 mile. My goal is to complete a 5k in under 9 minute miles. I think I can get to it by sometime in June.
Keeping with the running theme, on Sunday I ran my first 15k ever. This is all part of the plan as I train for the Philly Love Run! The run was put on by the HMRRC as part of their winter race series. I love this club, because members don't pay for any of the winter races. Here's a photo of me, as I near the finish line.

There was some serious headwinds on a few of the roads, the temp never went over 14', and you can see there was some slush on the roads. But, I finished at a pace that was under 10 minute miles! And, I'm really starting to develop some great friendships with other women runners.
I'm struggling with how to keep my energy up on these longer runs, so I have to figure out how to fuel up around mile 6. I love GU's on long bike rides, but I learned this weekend that they don't really work well for me on a run. If you've got any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Also on Sunday, I took Mack to her first indoor track session. She was invited to participate in a 5 week skills and drills program at RPI. It's being led by the RPI track coach and some of the team. She really had a great time, and is looking forward to the next 4 weeks. Sorry, no pictures of her because she was too far away from where I was sitting.
The weekend wasn't all running. I also finally took a quilting class on Saturday. I've wanted to learn to quilt for several years now. Unfortunately, every time I sign up for a class, it gets cancelled, due to low enrollment. Finally, I was able to go to a class with my "cousin in law" at a shop that her friend owns. So, we worked all day at the shop, and I came home with this awesome quilt top.
Quilt top on my bed, so that you get a sense of the size. |
Above is the finished product, hanging on the design wall in the shop. Unfortunately, I've learned that my machine is not capable of having a walking foot attachment. So, to complete the quilt, I'll need to purchase a new machine at some point. It's okay with me, since I've been wanting to upgrade for a while now, but haven't had a good reason to.
The icing on the cake, was that Shayna came home and spent all of Sunday with us.
Mack is not feeling well, so she stayed home from school today. Which meant that I had time to do one more project. I finally finished the bag that I promised my niece, Emma. Here it is: