Once again, the stars align and things in my life fall into place.
In early October, a high school friend and fellow triathlete, asked me if I have any interest in training for a marathon with her. My immediate response was, "well, YEAH!" I looked at the website of the race she is planning to run, an realized that it seems to be a for profit race. Now, that's fine for some, but if I'm going to enter a race, I want my money to go toward making the world a better place.
At the same time, these conversations were occurring, I have been following this blog. Ed Peck is a former teacher of mine, who had a significant impact on my life. Since hearing of his battle with Multiple Myeloma Cancer, I have been feeling the need to do something related to this disease in Ed's honor.
And, the stars align.
My friend and I talked about running the marathon in Ed's honor, and using it as a fund raiser. But, guess what? That's sort of frowned upon, if the race isn't alreay identified as a fund raiser for the cause.
That left me with one option: Create a half marathon in Ed's honor. I put the idea out on facebook, and within an hour, had several Tamarac Alumni voicing support and enthusiasm for the idea! I then contacted the Pecks for their approval of the idea, and they gave me their blessings to pursue the idea!
The next step was to develop an avenue to organize the event through. So, The Dragonfly Adventure was established.
So much work has gone into organizing this event, it's incredible.
The half marathon has evolved into a half marathon, a 10k and a community walk! Ed has identified the Capital District Cancer Resource Foundation as the organization that will receive all proceeds from the day. We met with the Brunswick Town Board last night, and were given preliminary approval to have the race on town roads.The Peck's are choosing a name for the race, and Tamarac teachers and staff have been told of the events.
Stay tuned for more information as this process unfolds.
Sooo proud of you!!! <3 <3 <3
Can't wait to help w/ the volunteers :-D
I came across this race from an active.com email I received. Trying to get more info on the race but appears your website is down (at least via the link from active.com). just letting you know in case you were not aware.
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