Many of you know that since last summer I've been wanting a road bike. The problem is, that last June I bought Pip.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Pip. But, soon after I bought her, I realized that I really wanted something much faster. I wanted a road bike, with drop bars. Like the red one I had as a teen. To complicate things more, I decided to train for a triathlon last summer. Which I did. On Pip. Did I mention she's not very fast or light. Did you notice she doesn't have drop bars?
So, I've been looking for a road bike. It's hard to find a used road bike, in a smaller size, for a reasonable price. I've been scouring Craigs List, and ebay. Checked out the Albany Bike Co-op. Spoke to a local bike shop that sells new and used. Heck, I've even scoped out some dumpsters. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Then, this past Saturday there was a CL posting for several bikes starting at $15. I went. I test rode. But,I had two kids with me, and just couldn't make a decision. I phoned to get his opinion. He said "Buy it". When I asked for the price on the particular bike I was interested in, the seller said $40. Well now, that's more than double what was listed on CL for the starting price. So, I drove away. Then spent all weekend second guessing my decision. So, I did some research on the bike.. Again, thanks Doohickie! After much research, (and driving Kevin crazy with my obsesssing), I went back today and bought her.She's a Panasonic Sport. Here she is:

She needs some work. The seat needs to be raised, but there's no quick release. So I didn't do it today. The back gearing-sorry I don't know the technical term- has some rust.

I'm not sure what to do about the handle bars. They have that yucky foam grip that was fairly popular in the 80's.

I don't love her, yet. But within the next couple of weeks, I'll take her down to the bike co-op and the guys there will help me get her in better shape.
So, now I have a road bike! And I'm satisfied...for a little while!