Many of you know that since last summer I've been wanting a road bike. The problem is, that last June I bought Pip.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Pip. But, soon after I bought her, I realized that I really wanted something much faster. I wanted a road bike, with drop bars. Like the red one I had as a teen. To complicate things more, I decided to train for a triathlon last summer. Which I did. On Pip. Did I mention she's not very fast or light. Did you notice she doesn't have drop bars?
So, I've been looking for a road bike. It's hard to find a used road bike, in a smaller size, for a reasonable price. I've been scouring Craigs List, and ebay. Checked out the Albany Bike Co-op. Spoke to a local bike shop that sells new and used. Heck, I've even scoped out some dumpsters. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Then, this past Saturday there was a CL posting for several bikes starting at $15. I went. I test rode. But,I had two kids with me, and just couldn't make a decision. I phoned to get his opinion. He said "Buy it". When I asked for the price on the particular bike I was interested in, the seller said $40. Well now, that's more than double what was listed on CL for the starting price. So, I drove away. Then spent all weekend second guessing my decision. So, I did some research on the bike.. Again, thanks Doohickie! After much research, (and driving Kevin crazy with my obsesssing), I went back today and bought her.She's a Panasonic Sport. Here she is:

She needs some work. The seat needs to be raised, but there's no quick release. So I didn't do it today. The back gearing-sorry I don't know the technical term- has some rust.

I'm not sure what to do about the handle bars. They have that yucky foam grip that was fairly popular in the 80's.

I don't love her, yet. But within the next couple of weeks, I'll take her down to the bike co-op and the guys there will help me get her in better shape.
So, now I have a road bike! And I'm satisfied...for a little while!
Yay! A good bike to get started with. And if you decide she's not the ride you want, you should be able to recoup most of the money you put into her... maybe even make a little.
That's my story to Kev!
I don't know much about bikes but I'm glad you found one that will hopefully meet your needs!
If you start collecting bikes the way my husband does I will have to come back up and do an intervention. :)
Really I'm glad you got something that you wanted for a good starter price.
Kenzie said, "That bike's in bad shape. You better get Uncle "Doohickie" here to fix it!"
On one hand, I'm insulted she doesn't think I can do it. On the other....we'd love to have you come for a visit!!
Flea-Since Kevin won't let me get a Harley, this'll have to do!
Actually I learned a lot about bikes since I started acquiring older ones. You can too. Just don't tell Kev.
Or your busy-body sister.
;- )
My hubby must wnat to sleep with his "old" bikes tonight and not his lovely wife:-)
Heidi... some links for you:
This link goes to a catalog page for the 1989 Panasonic Sport CS, which I believe is the model and year your bike is. It has specs for the bike. (Look for the magnifying glass to magnify the picture.
And here's a link to the Panasonic Bicycles Virtual Museum, which looks pretty cool.
April 3, 2009 12:15 AM
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