Okay, this is a stock photo from www.togoparts.com
As luck would have it, our camera died. So, real photos will be coming soon, but I couldn't wait that long!
I've been searching eBay and CL for months now, waiting for the right bike at the right price to come along. I've traveled as far as Burlington, Vt. to look at a bike, that was a total joke. I've looked at old clunkers for $175. Some of them had potential, but not as road bikes. This weekend I got lucky and found The Bea. She's light, and faster than anything I've ridden! I haven't ridden much yet, because I need a shorter stem and I'm not used to the toe cages. The plan is to put her on the trainer tonight and get a feel for her before I get on the road in the next couple of days.
Stay tuned for real pictures. The new camera will be here soon!
a new bike AND a new camera! How exciting!
That is pretty awesome. Is yours yellow as well?
Have fun riding like the wind.
Yep. Yellow and black! Just like a Bee
Very nice. Someday I'll get a more modern bike.
So what are you going to do with the Panasonic? Use it as a backup and trainer? Trust me, if you train on a lesser bike, when you jump on your best bike you will be faster than you otherwise would have been (it's kind of like running with ankle weights).
Also, the Panasonic would be a good bike to practice your bike maintenance skills on and learn how to do things.
The Bee is a very nice N+1, Heidi. Well done. I can't wait to see the pics of the real bike.
Sadly, the Panasonic will have to go. We have very limited storage space- and 3 bikes plus 2 other in the family, will not fit (even on the walls). She is listed on CL now.
Good luck with the sale.
This is how it works though.... You get a bike, then you get a better bike, then you get an even better bike. Each bike is a gateway to the next.
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