We started the week with some pumpkin carving.

Unfortunately, Shayna had to return to school the day before Halloween. So, she didn't get to join us for the trick or treating fun. That was really okay, because Halloween was rainy and cold, so Trick or Treating was cut quite short.
Jack changed his mind daily about what he would be. We have several superhero costumes that I've picked up on clearance in the past few years, to have as dress up clothes.He ran the gamut from firefighter, to police officer, Batman and Spider man. On Halloween morning he decided on Superman. Complete with the fake muscles and the cape.
Here he is, showing off his muscles. Of course, "Favorite Blankie" is never far from Jack's reach.

On the day of Halloween, Mack was a pirate. But the costume was not very interesting, since she wouldn't carry the sword, or wear the bandanna on her head. Luckily, we also had plans for a Halloween festival on Sunday in Saratoga. Sunday morning I did my usual trip to Target, and while there found that all Halloween costumes were 50% off. I picked up a Ninja costume for $5. She loved it, and here she is:

Sorry for the blurriness on this one. But it's pretty cute anyway.

I love Halloween and it looks like your kids had fun with it too!!!
Hahaha this is awesome!!!
This is great. I'm glad they had fun. My two always loved the dress up thing.
Great pics!
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